Retrain your Brain for success
If you want to make some positive changes, try the simple, practical and effective self - improvement tools in each 10 minute podcast with Chartered Psychologist Dr Audrey Tang.
Music Season 1-13 www.bensound.com
Music season 13 onwards: Simon Gargrave
Retrain your Brain for success
Finances and relationships
The content of this episode was created as part of a collaboration with VANQUIS BANK on financial compatibility. This looks at how behaviours around money can cause problems in relationships - not just because of the real consequences, but also because they can reveal attitudes and values when it comes to everyday actions. It includes red flags to be aware of and things to be mindful of if a partner is in debt.
Useful link: https://www.stepchange.org/
#dealingwithdebt #financialcompatibility #talkingaboutmoney #moneyandrelationships #partnerindebt